I'm Dr. Rajni Bansal


Your own gynecologist, specializing in reproductive medicine and gynecological endoscopy with wealth of experience.

About Me

I take great pride in my work and strive to provide my patients with the best of my knowledge while ensuring they feel heard and cared for

Education and Training

I completed MBBS at the University of Rajasthan. I specialized at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and gained advanced endoscopic and robotic surgery experience at a multispecialty hospital in India.

Professional Journey

I worked in South Africa, where I managed complex medical and surgical cases for women. In 2017, I moved to Australia, earning a fellowship with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (FRANZCOG). I spent three years in Alice Springs, focusing on Indigenous women’s health and rural medicine.

Academic Involvement

In addition to my clinical practice in both the private and public sectors, I am deeply committed to academics and research. As a clinical adjunct at Curtin University, I actively contribute to sharing my knowledge and expertise with future generations.

Practice locations

Sucess Rate
50 %
+ 0 %
My treated patients
+ 300

Opening hours

For Maddington specialist centre, 8am-4pm (Tuesday-thursday )

For Star family medical practice, 8am-4pm ( Monday to friday)

 For Oasis fertility centre, 8am-4pm ( Monday to friday)

We are closed over the weekends
Prefer to be contacted via email .

Reach out anytime